LMPC Registration
Online & Easy Process
Under the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity rules of the Department of Consumer Affairs, any person importing pre-packaged commodities or goods in India must take an LMPC registration certificate before importing any pre-packaged goods or commodities in India. The registration must be applied within 90 days from when you started importing said products.
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If you import pre-packaged goods for sale and distribution, then you need to know that you cannot do so without a Legal Metrology Registration Certificate. This certificate is an import requirement under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodity) Rules, 2011. The Weights and Measures Act protects consumers by setting strict rules for the trade of goods sold by weight, measure or number. These goods include pre-packaged merchandise as well as goods sold in bulk.
When you import goods into the European Union, you must make a number of declarations on your products. The mandatory declarations have to include information such as country of origin, manufacturer name and address, importer address, month and year of manufacturing, month and year of import etc. The scope of declarations to be made on pre-packed goods differs with every product.
Legal Metrology Act Registration – Benefits
Collecting Government Revenue – The Legal Metrology Act ensures that both the government and businesses are treated fairly in the matter of tax payment. The government collects money by charging excise duties on products made, sold, imported and exported in the country. Taxes are also charged on measurement. The proportion of mass items can be a massive segment of both export and national pay, especially in articles like timber, rice, coffee, palm oil, coal, iron-mineral, gold, jewels, and natural gas.
Reduces Transaction Costs – The cost of poor measurement practices can be high. They affect both businesses and consumers. To initiate legal action against a trader who breaks the measurement laws takes a lot of audacity. But when measurements are done accurately and correctly following all the guidelines set out by the Legal Metrology Act, you will certainly save time and money.
Reduces Technical Barriers to Trade – The Legal Metrology Act reduces the burden of technical barriers and promotes confidence and clarity of measurement. Fewer barriers increase the morale of the nation and encourage them to participate in the global trading system, which increases the national economic growth. The Legal Metrology Act helps traders avoid useless barriers in the process of adopting, applying, and complying with technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment procedures.
Supporting Trade – The Legal Metrology Act is responsible for controlling any unlawful and unfair trade practices relating to measuring instruments. The act ensures that the instruments are intact and in a working state to serve their intended purpose.
Documents Required for LMPC – Importer License in India
You must provide the following documents to obtain the Importer License- LMPC.
- Certificate of incorporation (COI) issued by MCA including MOA and AOA.
- A duly filled application form for LMPC license.
- DD in the name of legal metrology.
- GSTIN number issued by the GST in the name of applicant.
- Passport size colour photo of applicant.
- PAN card issued in the name of company and pan card of director or authorised person.
- Self-attested copy of aadhar card of any one director or authorised signatory.
- Rent agreement or NOC in the name of applicant company.
How do I register for a LMPC certificate?
To sell your products in India, you need to register with the Department of Legal Metrology. You can apply for Packaging Registration with either the State Government or the Central Government. The online procedure is available in many States; you should check if this applies to your State. The offline procedure takes longer and involves inspections of your packaging premises and collection of labels and designs from you.
Legal metrology is the study of measurements, and it deals with the units and methods of weight and measurement in relation to legal requirements. It’s the official definition of legal metrology, but what does this mean for pre-packaged goods?
Declaration to be made on every package.
- Name and address of the Manufacturing/Packer/Importer.
- The Common and generic name of the commodities.
- The net quantity in term of measure or number or standard unit of weight.
- The month and year in which the commodities are manufacturing/packed/imported.
- MRP -Retail sale price of the package inclusive of all taxes imposed by government.

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